یَابْنَ الْغَطارِفَةِ الْأَنْجَبِینَ أنتَ اَمانٌ لِأَهلِ اِلأرضِ....

۳ مطلب در خرداد ۱۳۹۸ ثبت شده است

One of the shining suns—by the mercy, assistance and will of God—that exist in our time as what remains on Earth of God's provision (Baqiatallah fi ardhih), as God's proof to His servants, is the Lord of the Time (Sahib al'Zaman), the Absolute Wali of God on earth

  • servant.of.the.mahdi

Allah deputed the Prophet when no sign of guidance existed no beacon was giving light

.and no passage was clear

I advise you O' creatures of Allah to have fear of Allah and I warn you of this  world whichis a house from which departure is inevitable and a place of discomfort... 

  • servant.of.the.mahdi

The second feature of being Imam is infallibility. Certainly, one who wants to led people to God must be infallible ,don t commit sin , or even make mistakes in order to lead people to the top of perfection

  • servant.of.the.mahdi